Benchmark and Profiling

Benchmark and Profiling#


  • Benchmark a single static batch by running the following command without launching a server. The arguments are the same as for Note that this is not a dynamic batching server, so it may run out of memory for a batch size that a real server can handle. A real server truncates the prefill into several batches, while this unit test does not. For accurate large batch testing, consider using sglang.bench_serving.

    python -m sglang.bench_latency --model-path meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct --batch 32 --input-len 256 --output-len 32
  • Benchmark online serving. Launch a server first and run the following command.

    python3 -m sglang.bench_serving --backend sglang --num-prompt 10

Profile with Nsight#

  1. Prerequisite

# install nsys
apt update
apt install -y --no-install-recommends gnupg
echo "deb$(source /etc/lsb-release; echo "$DISTRIB_RELEASE" | tr -d .)/$(dpkg --print-architecture) /" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-devtools.list
apt-key adv --fetch-keys
apt update
apt install nsight-systems-cli
  1. To profile a single batch, use nsys profile --trace-fork-before-exec=true --cuda-graph-trace=node python3 -m sglang.bench_latency --model meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B --batch-size 64 --input-len 512

  2. To profile a server, e.g.

# server
# set the delay and duration times according to needs
nsys profile --trace-fork-before-exec=true --cuda-graph-trace=node -o sglang.out --delay 60 --duration 70 python3 -m sglang.launch_server --model-path meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct --disable-radix-cache

# client
python3 -m sglang.bench_serving --backend sglang --num-prompts 6000 --dataset-name random --random-input 4096 --random-output 2048
  1. Use NVTX, e.g.

# install nvtx
pip install nvtx

# code snippets
import nvtx
with nvtx.annotate("description", color="color"):
    # some critical code

Other tips#

  1. You can benchmark a model using dummy weights by only providing the config.json file. This allows for quick testing of model variants without training. To do so, add --load-format dummy to the above commands and then you only need a correct config.json under the checkpoint folder.