Custom Chat Template in SGLang Runtime

Custom Chat Template in SGLang Runtime#

NOTE: There are two chat template systems in SGLang project. This document is about setting a custom chat template for the OpenAI-compatible API server (defined at It is NOT related to the chat template used in the SGLang language frontend (defined at

By default, the server uses the chat template specified in the model tokenizer from Hugging Face. It should just work for most official models such as Llama-2/Llama-3.

If needed, you can also override the chat template when launching the server:

python -m sglang.launch_server --model-path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf --port 30000 --chat-template llama-2

If the chat template you are looking for is missing, you are welcome to contribute it. Meanwhile, you can also temporarily register your chat template as follows:

  "name": "my_model",
  "system": "<|im_start|>system",
  "user": "<|im_start|>user",
  "assistant": "<|im_start|>assistant",
  "sep_style": "CHATML",
  "sep": "<|im_end|>",
  "stop_str": ["<|im_end|>", "<|im_start|>"]
python -m sglang.launch_server --model-path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf --port 30000 --chat-template ./my_model_template.json