Install SGLang#

You can install SGLang using any of the methods below.

Method 1: With pip#

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install "sglang[all]"

# Install FlashInfer accelerated kernels
pip install flashinfer -i

Note: Please check the FlashInfer installation doc to install the proper version according to your PyTorch and CUDA versions.

Method 2: From source#

# Use the last release branch
git clone -b v0.3.4.post2
cd sglang

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e "python[all]"

# Install FlashInfer accelerated kernels
pip install flashinfer -i

Note: Please check the FlashInfer installation doc to install the proper version according to your PyTorch and CUDA versions.

Method 3: Using docker#

The docker images are available on Docker Hub as lmsysorg/sglang, built from Dockerfile. Replace <secret> below with your huggingface hub token.

docker run --gpus all \
    -p 30000:30000 \
    -v ~/.cache/huggingface:/root/.cache/huggingface \
    --env "HF_TOKEN=<secret>" \
    --ipc=host \
    lmsysorg/sglang:latest \
    python3 -m sglang.launch_server --model-path meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct --host --port 30000

Method 4: Using docker compose#


This method is recommended if you plan to serve it as a service. A better approach is to use the k8s-sglang-service.yaml.

  1. Copy the compose.yml to your local machine

  2. Execute the command docker compose up -d in your terminal.

Method 5: Run on Kubernetes or Clouds with SkyPilot#


To deploy on Kubernetes or 12+ clouds, you can use SkyPilot.

  1. Install SkyPilot and set up Kubernetes cluster or cloud access: see SkyPilot’s documentation.

  2. Deploy on your own infra with a single command and get the HTTP API endpoint:

SkyPilot YAML: sglang.yaml
# sglang.yaml
  HF_TOKEN: null

  image_id: docker:lmsysorg/sglang:latest
  accelerators: A100
  ports: 30000

run: |
  conda deactivate
  python3 -m sglang.launch_server \
    --model-path meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct \
    --host \
    --port 30000
# Deploy on any cloud or Kubernetes cluster. Use --cloud <cloud> to select a specific cloud provider.
HF_TOKEN=<secret> sky launch -c sglang --env HF_TOKEN sglang.yaml

# Get the HTTP API endpoint
sky status --endpoint 30000 sglang
  1. To further scale up your deployment with autoscaling and failure recovery, check out the SkyServe + SGLang guide.

Common Notes#

  • FlashInfer is the default attention kernel backend. It only supports sm75 and above. If you encounter any FlashInfer-related issues on sm75+ devices (e.g., T4, A10, A100, L4, L40S, H100), please switch to other kernels by adding --attention-backend triton --sampling-backend pytorch and open an issue on GitHub.

  • If you only need to use the OpenAI backend, you can avoid installing other dependencies by using pip install "sglang[openai]".

  • The language frontend operates independently of the backend runtime. You can install the frontend locally without needing a GPU, while the backend can be set up on a GPU-enabled machine. To install the frontend, run pip install sglang, and for the backend, use pip install sglang[srt]. This allows you to build SGLang programs locally and execute them by connecting to the remote backend.